Tuesday 13 May 2014

4 Basic Rule Every Entrepreneur Should Practice

Every year there are thousands of entrepreneurs born and ready to rule the world. And almost (yes, I mean almost all) of these successful entrepreneurs practice these FOUR RULES of entrepreneurship. I called it MINO. The big four of MINO are: Motivation, Innovation, Networking and Opportunity.


This is the ground rule of being an entrepreneur. Every one of us always have to start somewhere, and it is MOTIVATION that push us forward. What motivates you to be an entrepreneur? Is it passion? Freedom? Get away from regular corporate life? Or family? 
You identify what is your motivation, and set a goal towards what drives you to be a successful entrepreneur. This is how you can reach where you want to be.

*Image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net
It is the core of entrepreneurship. Especially during digital era where entering small business is too easy for everyone. Visit GoDaddy.com for a site, sign up with HostGator.com for a host, voila, you open for business!

Sometimes when things become too easy, its where the hardest problem arise. When everyone are doing the same thing doesn't make you any different with other entrepreneurs out there. Millions of them! 

Which is why we need innovation. How are we different from competitors? How to serve the customer the same thing in a different manner? 

Before Facebook, MySpace and Friendster used to dominate the social networking world. But Facebook stands out due to innovation. The creation of 'Newsfeed' is proven to be something out of the world. Offering the same service with innovation. That's how Facebook stands out.

*Image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Networking can be done with anybody. Seriously! As an entrepreneur, you should always start by sharing your success or problems with your family or close friends. Listen to them, get their support, this is what keeps entrepreneurs going. 

Even for some entrepreneurs, networking is parts and pieces of success in the business. Always know someone better than you and learn from experience of veterans who have 'been there, done that'.

“It’s better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you’ll drift in that direction.” - Warren Buffett

*Image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Every entrepreneur will always have to start somewhere. Where did you begin your journey as an entrepreneur? 

When an entrepreneur started their journey, its all because they have identify an opportunity. An unmet needs or new solution that can reach out to their customers. You could have all the motivation you can get, but without the opportunity to start a business, you are still standing at the beginning of the road. 

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