Monday 28 April 2014

10 Signs You Are Ready to be an Entrepreneur

The confession of an entrepreneur. You may think that you are prepared to venture into entrepreneurship. But deep down in your heart you are still doubting yourself, whether your heart is guiding you the right path...

*Image courtesy of

These 10 signs will tell you are ready to quit your full-time job and venture into the entrepreneur's game.

  1. When you wake up in the morning, first thing you thought of it, "I don't want to go to work!"

  2. You start day dreaming in your office, thinking of whatever potential business you could have done if you're not working full time.

  3. You have the desire for this - independence, success, passion and hunger (NOT FOOD!)

  4. You want to show the world that you are different from most of them. *Pareto 80/20 Rule - 80% of the employees work for 20% of the business owners.

  5. You have identified an unmet need/solution, which has the potential to be launched as a business

  6. You do not have huge commitments that force you to stay on your full time job.

  7. Your family and spouse are supportive of your dream.

  8. When you have a circle of entrepreneur friends who have "been there, done that". Encouraging you to go for your dream.

  9. You understand that you are have to focus and work 200% harder than your current full time job.

  10.  You are ready to take the risk, not fearing that you may lose it all should this entrepreneur dream fail you.

If you have 10 signs above, my friend, you are already an entrepreneur. You just didn't know it yet!

By the way we only live once in our lifetime, we should live the life we always wanted. 

"Regretting not pursuing our passion is WORST than the regrets of failing one."

Step out there and change the world.

*Image courtesy of

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