Monday 14 April 2014

How to pick a piggy bank and when to eat a cookie?

Piggy bank is our wealth.

  Cookie jar is our health.

My blog title says it all. This blog is all about managing our personal finances and work life balance. My whole purpose of putting all these in writing because this is what I have been practicing. 

We all can see it around us. There are always wealthy Malaysians among our circle of network, so smart at managing wealth. There are also people who continuously being health conscious and taking care of their fitness. But how many of us are integrating both of this together? Perhaps less than 10% of Malaysian population.

"Its sad to know that most of us are busy racing to earn money all day and all night, forgetting our health." 

Be it a Head of Director of a banking industry or a Project Manager in an oil and gas company, or even a Fund Manager in an investing firm. They may want the same goal, which is to earn money and retire early. Okay, let's say that they are the best example to manage personal finance...but do they practice good health too? 

According to Happiness Index 2013, Malaysia dropped its rank from 51th in 2012 to 56th place in 2013. Malaysians are unhappy. There are politics, economy, health, etc to worry about. So much to cloud our mind that we forget ourselves.

We forget that being happy is not just about everything out there. Its about the inside, our inner self... Being healthy, being financially well-off and a happy relationship. Is as simple as that.

This is why I am writing it! I hope to share my idea of work life balance. This is the main point!

For those who have always been managing personal finance and maintaining healthy lifestyle all these while, you have my biggest compliment and praise for being such a good example. I hope that my blog can serve as a reference for you in near future.

While for those who have yet to do the above, its not too late, my brothers and sisters. I wish that my blog can motivate you or improve your life further. 

I want to continue doing this. And I will always want to share my experience in regards to personal finance and staying up with a healthy lifestyle.

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